Thursday, July 21, 2016

Numerology: Here’s What Your Birth Date Says About You

Growing up I was always interested in things like astrology and numerology. Regardless of the fact that many people view it as silly or vague explanations that could apply to everyone. But a GOOD astrology or numerology reading actually tells you A LOT about yourself and in ways that would surprise you.

Numerology has its root deep in history. very early philosophers believed that numbers were a universal language offered to humans by ‘the divine.’ They believe they represented an ultimate truth. This of course became more of a lost art once the Christian church rose and suddenly this was seen more as a black art. The church also went on to classify astrology and other forms of magic as evil and having no place in society. 

Life Path Number

I’ve had a number of astrology readings from my friend Carmen, both for myself personally and for CE, and I can’t tell you how crazy accurate and helpful they are, especially when they can provide information that helps you navigate upcoming decisions. No, I’m not talking about opening the newspaper and looking at the cheesy astrology section, I’m talking about a real science here where you will notice truths about yourself and your life that ONLY apply to you.

Let’s talk about numerology quick here. One of the things that has fascinated me the most about numerology is the lifepath number. A single number based on your date of birth that can tell you a lot about yourself and begin to explore the code behind your life and your path.
This isn’t meant to project and predict your future, that would destroy the mystery of life, this is meant to help you understand more about yourself. It’s useful, simple and powerful.
I’ve used deep numerology readings to discover and reflect on myself deeper many times. It’s a great tool to go along side meditation, journaling, self reflection and so forth. It’s made differences in how I approach things in my work as well.
Use the calculator below to find out your life path number, let us know if your lifepath number corresponds with the description by leaving a comment below: