Thursday, December 3, 2015


Beginning December 25th, 2015 with Uranus stationing direct, all major planets in our solar system will be moving direct/forward.
Stephanie Forest, who is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of APDM.

Stephanie states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction. From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. “

Stephanie goes on to write, “ An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun.

Where the vibration of the solar system can provide an extraordinary kind of cosmic assistance to any endeavor created to benefit, rather than to hinder, human life on earth. Where the whole planet can be energized by cosmic fuel rather than fossil fuels.

With our solar system moving about 600,000 mph, with this kind of speed and power, maybe it takes just one molecule of APDM sunlight to transfer a new kind of sustainable solar system energy to the earth without harm to natural life on earth. Velocity, acceleration and movement are all intrinsically related to All Planets in Direct Motion.”
Uranus will begin this cycle on December 25th, 2015 and will end on January 6th, 2016 when Mercury stations retrograde. With these two planets starting and ending this cycle, Stephanie suggests the potential goes up for new discoveries when Uranus leads the event, which includes science, astronomy/astrology, technology, national social systems, potential for instant massive deep genuine heartfelt global peace and harmony for all beings on Earth. This could also bring a sudden, shocking communication leak that leads to massive, positive changes on our Earth.

Above all, during that time Stephanie suggests to be mindful at every moment of the possibility of an awesome breakthrough towards world harmony and peaceful tolerance amongst all cultures on Earth.
There could even be a moment of acceptable alien communications.
Who will be contacted is part of the unknown mystery.

Manifestations can be quickened during this time. Coming together in groups to do such things is also a great way to use this beautiful and empowering astrological energy.Synchronized global meditations are a great way to participate.

I encourage readers to share this now and several times in the coming days leading up to this rare cycle that begins on December 25th, 2015. That way, we can reach as many people as possible to consciously co-create a beautiful new world during this 11 day cycle.