Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Black Lives Matter May Be Getting Some Serious Funding From Major Donors

Amid ongoing protests to combat police brutality and systemic racism, the #BlackLivesMatter movement has forced the nation to stare down injustices regularly faced by the black community. It appears their voices have been heard by some big money (we're talking billions) liberal investors who are reportedly planning to meet with leaders of the diffuse movement to talk potential funding.

Politico reports the meeting will happen next week in Washington at the annual winter gathering of the Democracy Alliance, a major liberal donor club launched in 2005 to "build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."

Democracy Alliance President Gara LaMarche told Politico he's aware the movement's "direct action or disruptive tactics are meant to make people uncomfortable" and acknowledged that that may pose a problem for from some donors. (As Politico points out, aggressive tactics againstBernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are two examples of why donors may be wary.)

​"But we have a wide range of human beings and different temperaments and approaches in the DA, so it’s quite possible that there are people who are a little concerned, as well as people who are curious or are supportive," he continued. "This is a chance for them to meet some of the leaders of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and understand the movement better, and then we’ll take stock of that and see where it might lead."

There's also a division among leaders as to whether billionaires having any stake in the movement will prove problematic. Others think the investment could offer support and allocate resources. Rashad Robinson,’s Executive Director, said, "Throughout our history in this country, there have been allies who have been willing to stand up and support uprisings, and lend their resources to ensure that people have a greater voice in their democracy."